June 23, 2024

Aim. Fire. Ready.

"Mick, how do you do it all? Launching the 100 Year Manifesto Academy. Hosting the Best Lunch Ever every month. Expanding Purpose Driven Coffee locally and across the country. A new Best Lunch Ever Ambassador initiative. The YOU ARE SPECIAL dinners at your house.

Yet you're not stressed out. You're spending gobs of time with your son. And, you're full of joy, working out, and still have time for others. Tell me your secrets."

It's simple. Two things:

  1. I fit my business into my life and not my life into my business.
  2. The Aim Fire Ready principle

Yes. Aim. Fire. Ready. It's a principle I've long practiced, but never put a name to until recently.

The "aim, fire, ready" principle is a play on the more common phrase "ready, aim, fire." To me it's a different approach - I daresay, a better approach - to decision-making and action in business, fitness, relationships, and life in general. Here's what Aim, Fire, Ready means to me:

  1. Aim: Focus on your goal or objective first. Determine what you want to achieve before taking action. Set clear targets, understanding the desired outcomes, and focus. Focus. Focus. Focus.
  2. Fire: Take immediate action once your goal is clear. Do not overthink. Do not delay. Launch! This is how I launched both the Best Lunch Ever Ambassador initiative and the You Are Special dinners at my hours - both in the same day last week.
  3. Ready: Make adjustments, get feedback, and refine your approach based on the results of your actions. Learning from the responses (or lack thereof), making necessary changes, and get ready!

The Aim. Fire. Ready Principle is a more dynamic and iterative approach to decision-making, where you prioritize setting a goal and taking action, then refine and improve as you go, rather than waiting to have everything perfectly planned out before starting.


Do it once. Do it again. Again. Again.

Five BIG Bold Actions I'm Taking Right Now

  1. Launching the 100 Year Manifesto Academy:
    Without a doubt this is the most amazing thing I've ever created. All my wisdom. All my "how to do it". Mini-coaching sessions. Videos. Tools. Strategies. Everything wrapped together in one Academy. For you. For your team. For 100 days. Step into your greatness. This will change your life. I promise. It's 50% off for individuals between now & the end of June...and for businesses the third month is free is you join by June 30th.
  2. Unveiling the Best Lunch Ever Ambassador Initiative: Elevating the Best Lunch Ever with purpose-driven ambassadors adds major depth to the connections, conversations, and experience. The initiative offers an exclusive opportunity for 12 exceptional individuals to enhance the experience of our monthly networking lunches. This highly selective program empowers ambassadors to embody the spirit of giving, purpose, and helping others by fostering a welcoming atmosphere and making meaningful connections.
  3. Expanding Purpose Driven Coffee to more locations: The explosion of Purpose Driven Coffee is proof of the Aim, Fire, Ready Principle. With over 250 attendees at TWO locations each month, we are launching location #3 this summer with a goal of having 8 locations by the end of 2024 - locally, nationally, and across the world. Want to join us in the cause? Reach out to me.
  4. The YOU ARE SPECIAL Dinners: When I was growing up, my Grammie had a red "You are Special Today" plate that was used for people's birthdays and special events. In honor of her and all the special people in my life, I created the "You Are Special" dinner. Join me and 13 other friends for a heartfelt evening at You Are Special, a potluck family reunion-style dinner designed to celebrate each and every one of us. This event is about more than just sharing meals; it’s about sharing our stories, wisdom, and experiences in a warm, welcoming atmosphere.
  5. WHAT SHOULD YOU & I DO TOGETHER?: If you have big dreams and a big idea you want to pursue together or you just want to do something great together, but aren't sure what it is - let's find a way to do some good - together. Reach out to me.



From now until the end of June, the 100 Year Manifesto Academy is 50% off. Regularly $599, it's $299.

Spend 100 days with me and transform your life.



The 100 Year Manifesto Academy

Step into your greatness. With this hybrid eLearning platform, get the best of the teachings of the 100 Year Manifesto,... Read more

Catch me here...​

June 28th
Purpose Driven Coffee Morning Boat Cruise on Lake Minnetonka

July 12th
Purpose Driven Coffee

July 18th
Best Night Ever: an Evening at the Races

July & August
You Are Special dinners @ Micks

Throughout the summer
100 Year Manifesto Academy Launch Parties
(in-person & online)

September 15th
Out of the Darkness Walk (Join me!)
American Foundation fo Suicide Prevention


Behind the scenes, April does so much work for me each week. And, you can hire her too! She will change your life. From graphic design to Mailchimp and everything in between, April is a ROCKSTAR. We've worked together for over 4 years and she has made my life and my business so much better. I trust her completely to do the work, ask the questions, and learn what she needs to learn to get the project across the finish line. She's amazing. HIRE HER! She has availability for you. And, she's the best move you will make professionally. April is amazing! Reach out to me and I will connect with you. Or, here's her LinkedIn profile - tell her I sent you her way.

Something on your mind?
Want to share some feedback?
Just hit "reply".
I respond to every email.


This weekly newsletter by Mick White & his team at the 100 Year Manifesto is all about helping people step into their greatness. To be more intentional with your life. To be more deliberate with your business. To live a life that echos into eternity. That's what the 100 Year Manifesto is all about. That a life on purpose with purpose.


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September 1, 2024 Step into your greatness... Heavy rain seems to be the theme of the summer here in Minnesota. As I look back on it, there's been a lot of storms. Far more storms that what is normal. And yet, there have been far more beautiful sunsets and rainbows. For every storm, there is beauty that results from it. You may have to look for it, but it's always there. I've had my fair share of storms this past decade. And, while I don't want to go through them again, I am appreciative of...

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