Step into your greatness - 9.1.2024

September 1, 2024

Step into your greatness...

Heavy rain seems to be the theme of the summer here in Minnesota. As I look back on it, there's been a lot of storms. Far more storms that what is normal. And yet, there have been far more beautiful sunsets and rainbows.

For every storm, there is beauty that results from it. You may have to look for it, but it's always there.

I've had my fair share of storms this past decade. And, while I don't want to go through them again, I am appreciative of the lessons learned along the way. Through a divorce...getting my car repossessed...being homeless...and so many more, I'm a better human today than I was before the storms.

Here are a few key ways I handled the really heavy storms...

  1. Know who you are. We all receive a lot of advice - solicited and unsolicited, especially so when life is challenging. People will say, "God doesn't give you more than you can handle" or "You are so strong" or "You should be thankful, other people have it worse." Anytime I heard these platitudes I thought two things: 1. Give me a break. 2. Stop. Perhaps it's not about being strong or being able to handle anything. Perhaps it's about staying true to who you are. Adversity not only builds character, but adversity reveals character.
  2. Maya Angelou wrote, "Every storm runs out of rain." I always envisioned my storms visually - me - in the middle of a torrential downpour. Wind beating down on me. Rain hitting me. And, me just standing there. Taking it all. Knowing this: the stronger wind, the stronger the tree. I was getting stronger through it all. The heavier the storm, the stronger I became. And, sometimes it's just not one storm, but multiple storms we are in. Alas, knowing that "Every storm runs out of rain" sometimes it's about getting through the day. That's the victory. Survival. There are seasons in life. There aren't all going to be full of constant storms.
  3. When I know my purpose, I can handle anything. It wasn't easy. It wasn't quick. But, through the grace of God I knew I would get through it. When my mom died, I struggled for a long time with this question: "How am I supposed to live the next 50 years without my Mom?" It was the unanswerable question. Until the day I realized, I don't have to live the next 50 years without my Mom. I just need to get through today. The next hour. The net 5 minutes. The next 30 seconds. Be in the moment. Focus on the right here. And, those moments add up. It's been 13 years...almost 5,000 days without my Mom. I do know this: a mother's love lives in your heart forever.

Summer 2024 was pretty epic...

Through all the storms this past decade, I dreamed of summers like this summer. Full of peace. Full of family. Full of joy. And, without the fear of being homeless or without a vehicle.

As we enter this new season in life, there are a lot of changes in the mix. Amazing speaking opportunities. Collaborations abounding. And, so much good happening. You'll notice in future weeks as well, a revamping of this weekly (yes, this summer it wasn't weekly, but we are changing that moving forward) newsletter. It's exciting. Truly.

However, I do know this, as I lived it...

Whatever you're going through, keep stepping into your greatness. Define your purpose. Live it out. And, measure what matters most - your Purpose Quotient (more on that in upcoming weeks).

From now until the end of September, the 100 Year Manifesto Academy is 50% off.

Regularly $599, it's $299.

And for companies, we have a special offer as well!!!

The next three companies that sign up, receive handmade coffee mugs for all participants.

Spend 100 days with me and transform your life.



The 100 Year Manifesto Academy

Step into your greatness. With this hybrid eLearning platform, get the best of the teachings of the 100 Year Manifesto,... Read more

Purpose Elevates this Wednesday!

This Wednesday, join the Purpose Elevates keynote online!

Join me here...

Two Weeks from Today!

One of my most meaningful days of the year is the Out of the Darkness Walk hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. This year it's on September 15th in Saint Paul.

If you want to join me in-person, reply directly to this email.

Also, you can contribute directly to the cause here

And, a photo of Macallister & me at the 2019 walk.

Something on your mind?
Want to share some feedback?
Just hit "reply".
I respond to every email.


This weekly newsletter by Mick White & his team at the 100 Year Manifesto is all about helping people step into their greatness. To be more intentional with your life. To be more deliberate with your business. To live a life that echos into eternity. That's what the 100 Year Manifesto is all about. That a life on purpose with purpose.


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