Step Into Your Greatness - 9.15.2024

September 15, 2024

Step into your greatness...

Stepping into Your Greatness: Bold Steps, Brave Moves

First day of school photos—an iconic ritual. A fresh start, a step into the unknown, filled with excitement, but also tinged with a sense of uncertainty.

Today, as I drove into Luther Seminary for Day 1 of pursuing my Master of Divinity degree, I found myself in a place of doubt. The thoughts crept in: Am I really doing this? Should I be doing this? How am I going to find the time? Am I smart enough for this? Where am I going to find the time? Why did I think this was a good idea?

Sometimes, before we take a leap of faith doubt creeps in.

You know when you agree to go on a rollercoaster? There's the initial excitement. Waiting in line. Climbing into your seat. And then, the shoulder harness comes down. You can cry and scream all you want, but once that shoulder harness comes down you're going for the ride. Either love every second of the thrills and excitement, or scream out of fear, holding your breath, and just waiting for it to end.

Now, I'm not much of a rollercoaster frequenter, but life tends to have those moments too.

Thirty seconds into my first class yesterday, it hit me. I was exactly where I needed to be. The doubt lifted, and something far more powerful settled in—clarity. This is the path. This is the moment. And I realized something I had known all along: I am called to be here. No more screaming. No more crying. This exciting ride is about to take off!

Taking Bold, Brave Steps

It’s not easy to step into something new, is it? Whether it’s pursuing a degree, launching a business, making difficult decisions towards a new future, letting go of the past, or simply choosing to live more intentionally, the first steps often come with fear. But here’s the thing: life is far too short to live timidly. Now is the time to be bold.

So, what does it mean to step into your greatness? It means embracing your purpose without hesitation. It means recognizing the unique gifts you bring to the table and offering them to the world. It’s about taking those brave steps even when uncertainty knocks at the door. It's about going all-in.

Today, I’m taking mine. I’m proud to share this journey with a dear friend, Rick Walters Sr., as we walk alongside each other through this chapter. Surrounding yourself with the right people makes all the difference. There is a power in walking together—drawing strength from each other as we chase what we’re called to do.

Recognizing Strengths—and Owning Them

I know what my Strengths Finder 2.0 strengths are. That clarity has been hard-earned. Strengths like Achiever fuel me with a constant drive for accomplishment, always pushing forward toward the next milestone. Strategic thinking helps me see patterns and opportunities where others may not, allowing me to navigate life’s complexities with confidence. My Learner strength keeps me curious and hungry for growth, always seeking new insights to expand my understanding of the world.

Then there’s Belief—the unshakeable conviction that my purpose matters and that I am meant to live out that purpose boldly. It is my foundation, the anchor that holds me steady through uncertainty. And finally, Empathy—the ability to truly understand and connect with others, to sense their needs, their joys, and their struggles. This is the glue that binds us together as humans.

These strengths shape who I am and how I show up in the world. But here’s something I’ve learned along the way: I can’t do it alone. My strengths—though powerful—aren’t enough on their own. To truly step into greatness, I need to be complemented by others with different strengths.

I need those with Woo—people who can connect quickly with others, building relationships and inspiring energy in the room. I need the Influencers, the ones who can rally people around a vision and inspire action. I need the Organizers, those who bring structure and clarity to the chaos, helping ideas become reality. I need people with strengths that fill the gaps in my own skill set, creating something far greater than any one of us could accomplish alone.

Greatness isn’t just about having strengths; it’s about recognizing the need for collaboration. The world doesn’t need another person playing it safe - living timidly. The world needs you to show up as your fullest, most vibrant self—and to work with others who allow you to step into your greatness. To focus on your strengths.

So, let’s be clear: I need your strengths. I need you to step into your greatness because together, we can do some truly incredible things. We can change lives. We can change the world.

What good should we do together?

What greatness is waiting to unfold because we decided to take bold, brave steps in together?

Life’s Too Short to Hold Back

What’s holding you back right now? Is it doubt? Fear of failure? The nagging voice that says you aren’t ready or you aren’t enough? Here’s the truth: you are enough. You have been created with purpose. You have been given everything you need to step into the future that is calling you. The only thing left to do is take the first step.

Life is too short to live timidly. The clock is ticking, and your greatness is waiting. Not just for you, but for the people who need you to be bold. The people in your life, your family, your community—they need you to step into your greatness. Don’t let fear hold you back from the impact you are meant to make.

Your Next Bold Move

So, what’s the next bold move you’ll make? Take a moment and consider it. Maybe it’s enrolling in a course that scares you. Maybe it’s a career change. Maybe it’s having that difficult conversation you’ve been putting off. Whatever it is, lean into it. It won't be easy, but the best things never are.

Here are three takeaways to help guide your next bold move:

  1. Identify your strengths and own them. Spend time reflecting on what you do well, what lights you up, and what you bring to the table. Embrace those strengths unapologetically, and use them in service to others.
  2. Surround yourself with the right people. Walking alone is hard. Greatness is contagious when you’re with people who push you to be better. Seek out your team that encourages you, supports you, and challenges you to take bigger, bolder steps. And find those who have strengths that complement yours—they will be essential in your journey.
  3. Take imperfect action. I can't emphasize this enough. Waiting for the perfect moment or the perfect plan is a fool’s game. There’s no such thing as perfect. Take the first step—even if you feel uncertain. You’ll grow as you go. Remember, bravery isn’t the absence of fear—it’s action in the face of it.

The World Needs Your Greatness

You don’t have to have it all figured out. But what you do need to know is that you have something valuable to offer the world right now. And the world is waiting. It’s time to stop playing small, to stop waiting for the perfect conditions, and to step into your greatness. There’s no more time to waste.

We’re in this together.

What good should we do?

What can we create that leaves an imprint on this world, one that echoes long after we’re gone?

What are your gifts? How do you want to use them? How much are your currently using them? What dreams do you have that you haven't shared with me yet?

I can’t wait to hear all about them.

Let’s take these bold steps.

Let’s be brave.

Let’s step into our greatness—together.

Next Step: Take a few minutes today to identify a bold move you can make this week. Write it down, share it with me. Share it with a friend, family member, or colleague, and commit to taking action.

And remember, the first step is the hardest. But once you take it, you’ll realize it was always the right move.

I am so excited for today. I am so excited for your future.

Let’s go make something incredible happen.

Want to Know How I Do It All?

I fit my business into my life and not my life into my business.

How do I do this? It starts with creating the Ideal LIVING Week.

This concept. This workbook. It will change your life.


Ideal Living Week

The Ideal Living Week is more than just a productivity hack — it’s a mindset shift that empowers you to take control of... Read more

Purpose Elevates on October 1st

Want to experience the keynote I've shared around the world to people in 28 different countries? Join the Purpose Elevates keynote online on October 1st.

What good should we do together?

Hit "reply" and share with me your draems.


This weekly newsletter by Mick White & his team at the 100 Year Manifesto is all about helping people step into their greatness. To be more intentional with your life. To be more deliberate with your business. To live a life that echos into eternity. That's what the 100 Year Manifesto is all about. That a life on purpose with purpose.


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