

This weekly newsletter by Mick White & his team at the 100 Year Manifesto is all about helping people step into their greatness. To be more intentional with your life. To be more deliberate with your business. To live a life that echos into eternity. That's what the 100 Year Manifesto is all about. That a life on purpose with purpose.

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Step Into Your Greatness - 9.8.2024

September 8, 2024 Step into your greatness... In less than a week, I’m starting a new chapter in my life—I’ll be pursuing my master’s degree at Luther Seminary. Here’s the thing: I’m not ready. I don’t have everything figured out. If I’m being honest, I’m far from fully prepared. But you know what? That’s okay. Life doesn’t always give us the luxury of perfect timing or complete readiness. Sometimes, it hands us an opportunity and waits to see what we’ll do with it. And for me, this is one of...

September 1, 2024 Step into your greatness... Heavy rain seems to be the theme of the summer here in Minnesota. As I look back on it, there's been a lot of storms. Far more storms that what is normal. And yet, there have been far more beautiful sunsets and rainbows. For every storm, there is beauty that results from it. You may have to look for it, but it's always there. I've had my fair share of storms this past decade. And, while I don't want to go through them again, I am appreciative of...

July 21, 2024 He lied to me... As my 9 year old son and I are settling into our new place, a concerning behavior is presenting itself. My son lied to me. On multiple occasions. While the details aren't important, this has thrown me into a bit of a funk. I like to think I'm a pretty great dad. I'm intentional with my actions and with my words. I believe the life you live is the lesson you teach. And, I want Macallister to be a radically honest human. One of my goals for my 100 Year Manifesto...

July 21, 2024 Radical Generosity Big moves - literally - going on around here. Seven years ago, we were sleeping on the couches of our friends. Homeless for 9 months. We survived. Friends. Airbnbs. Family. Hotels. And yes, a few nights in the car. This month we moved into our new three bedroom townhome and have a friend staying with us for the summer - no charge. My point-of-view as I work on this newsletter Technically she's the daughter of my brother-in-law's college roommate. Yes, prior to...

June 23, 2024 Aim. Fire. Ready. "Mick, how do you do it all? Launching the 100 Year Manifesto Academy. Hosting the Best Lunch Ever every month. Expanding Purpose Driven Coffee locally and across the country. A new Best Lunch Ever Ambassador initiative. The YOU ARE SPECIAL dinners at your house. Yet you're not stressed out. You're spending gobs of time with your son. And, you're full of joy, working out, and still have time for others. Tell me your secrets." It's simple. Two things: I fit my...

June 16, 2024 It's been a minute... I often find my role in the lives of the people I encounter is to help them give themselves permission to step into their greatness. For them to shed the expectations of others. For them to choose to live their life on their terms. To step into their greatness. It's a little funny sometimes as I say, "Give yourself permission to step into your greatness." From people who are beat down from a heavy season in life to wildly successful television stars to...

May 11, 2024 It all starts with you.. Each week I talk with Christopher. To call him my coach isn't quite accurate. Nor is mentor the right word. More than a cheerleader. Let's settle on - real friend. While he's been instrumental in helping me launch the 100 Year Manifesto Academy, the friendship goes both ways. We talk every Wednesday at 8. And, this past week when I asked how he was doing, he said this, "I had a really good day with myself." Slow down for a moment to take these words in. I...

May 5, 2024 TAKE ACTION This past Friday over 225 people convened at two locations at our monthly Purpose Driven Coffee event. Not only were there 225 people in attendance, there was a waiting list of over 50 people who wanted to attend. Within 5 hours of the event on Friday, June's Purpose Driven Coffee event sold all but 30 tickets available (195 tickets in 5 hours!!!). How wild is that? It's possible we launch location #3 within the next 60 days. A year and a half ago, I shared a vision...

April 29, 2024 KEEP IT SIMPLE The most complicated thing I ever did was try to be successful. Lots of plans. Strategies. Tactics. And, loads of action. Coffee meetings. Networking events. Go. Go. Go. It nearly killed me. And, in some areas of my life it absolutely ruined me. My goals for my life I had adopted from other people. Trying to be like my mentors. Follow industry best practices. Reading books upon books upon books. More coffee. More energy drinks. More caffeine. In the pursuit of...

April 22, 2024 What Purpose Really Elevates is PEACE This past weekend my son and I met my dad and one of my sisters in Chicago for a few days of sightseeing, a professional soccer game, and most importantly - time together. Why? For Macallister's Christmas present, we will venture to three cities to watch professional soccer games this year. It was his favorite weekend (EVER) last year when we went to Kansas City for a game and adventures. So, this was weekend trip #1. I was fulfilling a...