June 16, 2024

It's been a minute...

I often find my role in the lives of the people I encounter is to help them give themselves permission to step into their greatness. For them to shed the expectations of others. For them to choose to live their life on their terms. To step into their greatness.

It's a little funny sometimes as I say, "Give yourself permission to step into your greatness." From people who are beat down from a heavy season in life to wildly successful television stars to professional athletes and everybody in between.


That's really what the 100 Year Manifesto Academy is all about. And, I've been so heads down this past month that I haven't sent out this weekly newsletter. Greatness requires saying "no" sometimes. And, I made the choise to say "no" to this newsletter for a few weeks. Alas, we are here again together! I missed you!!! Fill me in on what's new in your life!

A friend of my shared with me the other day that there is a saying in tech, "The last 20% takes as long as the first 80%."

I feel that. Immensely. As we begin the soft-launch of the 100 Year Manifesto Academy TOMORROW (Monday June 17th) I can't help but think how long the last 20% feels like it's taken.

But, to really help people step into their greatness, we wanted to make sure we got it right.

  1. Create the Framework
  2. Define Your Purpose
  3. Live It Out
  4. Measure What Matters

It's that simple. And, it's the most difficult thing I know how to do. To get life right requires intentionality and purpose.

You can mostly get it right - that first 80% with hard work.

I would argue that last 20% is where people struggle. Where they realize they feel a little lost. Overwhelmed. Unfulfilled. Just like they are doing everything right and it's still not enough.

That final 20% requires daily discipline. Taking action on your commitments every day. Living with clarity and intention. And then, with our proprietary Purpose Quotient, measure what matters.

That's what the 100 Year Manifesto Academy is all about. Helping you step into your greatness.

While we built it for companies to help their people elevate, we are offering it until the end of June for individuals at 50% off.

Clarity in purpose brings greatness in life.


Five Ways to Step Into Your Potential

  1. Clarity and Direction: Purpose provides a clear roadmap, guiding your actions and decisions. This clarity helps you focus on what truly matters, making it easier to achieve your goals and step into your greatness.
  2. Resilience and Perseverance: With a strong sense of purpose, you develop the resilience to overcome obstacles. Knowing your "why" gives you the strength to keep going, even when the journey is tough.
  3. Authenticity and Fulfillment: Living a life aligned with your purpose allows you to be your true self. This authenticity leads to a deeper sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, as you are living in harmony with your core values and passions.
  4. Motivation and Inspiration: Purpose ignites a powerful internal drive, motivating you to strive for excellence. It inspires not only you but also those around you, creating a ripple effect of positive impact.
  5. Legacy and Impact: Purpose-driven actions contribute to a meaningful legacy. By living with intention, you make a lasting impact on others, leaving a footprint of greatness that extends beyond your immediate achievements.

By embracing your purpose, you unlock the full potential of your greatness, creating a life of intentionality, impact, and enduring success. As the 100 Year Manifesto Academy soft-launches, remember that your greatness is within reach—step into it with purpose and watch your life transform.

Do you really want to step into your greatness?

From now until the end of June, the 100 Year Manifesto Academy is 50% off. Regularly $599, it's $299.

Spend 100 days with me and transform your life.


Reply to this email for the details on how to get started.

Catch me here...​

June 28th
Purpose Driven Coffee Morning Boat Cruise on Lake Minnetonka

July 12th
Purpose Driven Coffee

Throughout the summer
100 Year Manifesto Academy Launch Parties
(in-person & online)

FIVE ways to work together...

  1. The 100 Year Manifesto Academy for Companies
    enables employees to perform at their best, we help team members define their purpose, create their 100 Year Manifesto, and then live it out every single day. Our innovative eLearning platform elevates your people. Purpose elevates people. People elevate profit.
  2. Bring PurposeDriven.Coffee to your community. If you love bringing people together, highlighting other purpose-driven leaders, and have the gifts of facilitating & convening, hosting a Purpose Driven Coffee in your community might help you live out YOUR purpose.
  3. Speaking & Corporate Engagements: With speaking engagements in 2023 in The Philippines, Thailand, Mexico, and across the United States, and a corporate engagement package for any size company, help your leaders become more purpose-driven. Purpose Elevates People. People Elevate Profit. PURPOSE ELEVATES
  4. Align your brand with purpose-driven people by sponsoring this weekly newsletter with +1,000 active subscribers. Respond to directly to this email for additional information.
  5. The Purpose Driven Community (LAUNCHING Q3)

Something on your mind?
Want to share some feedback?
Just hit "reply".
I respond to every email.


This weekly newsletter by Mick White & his team at the 100 Year Manifesto is all about helping people step into their greatness. To be more intentional with your life. To be more deliberate with your business. To live a life that echos into eternity. That's what the 100 Year Manifesto is all about. That a life on purpose with purpose.


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