April 22, 2024

What Purpose Really Elevates is PEACE

This past weekend my son and I met my dad and one of my sisters in Chicago for a few days of sightseeing, a professional soccer game, and most importantly - time together.


  1. For Macallister's Christmas present, we will venture to three cities to watch professional soccer games this year. It was his favorite weekend (EVER) last year when we went to Kansas City for a game and adventures. So, this was weekend trip #1. I was fulfilling a promise.
  2. The life you live is the lesson teach. I realize there are a lot of eyes on me - watching how I live my life. Whether it's how I parent, run a business, continue pursuing my own purpose, or simply share what I learn along the way - people are watching. Hopefully my life is an incredible example of a life well-lived. A life of purpose, meaning, & significance. I was living my purpose.
  3. One of my goals in life is to "Raise a healthy boy who loves himself, his God, and his family - who serves others, leads by example, and does his best every single day of his life." It's important for Macallister to get exposed to new ideas, different people, and learn by experiencing new things. I was pursuing my goals.

After three days of adventures - walking countless miles - eating Chicago dogs & deep dish pizza - playing card games - taking naps - all full of love, our time together was coming to a close. Before my dad and sister departed for their train ride home and Macallister and I headed to the airport, we spent some time together recapping the weekend.

It started out playfully. We each took turns saying, "My favorite part of the weekend was..." and then we said something funny that happened. From my Dad & sister not being able to figure out the elevator. To Macallister being creeped out by the Egyptian mummies at the Field Museum. To me eating waaaaay too much Chicago style deep dish pizza. To all four of us sitting in the backseat of a compact Uber. We laughed each time someone added another, "My favorite part of the weekend was..." This went on for at least 30 minutes. And then, our time together came to a close. We hopped into our respected Ubers and departed.

As soon as we got in our car - with tears running down his face - Macallister said, "My favorite part of the weekend was everything."


What if your favorite part of the day was everything?

What if your favorite part of the week was everything?

What if your favorite part of life was everything?

When you know your purpose and live it out, you realize PURPOSE ELEVATES PEACE.

Purpose isn't just about work. Purpose is your life. All of it. Work is part of life. Family is part of life.

Elevate your purpose. Elevate your life. Elevate your peace.

To elevate your peace, requires you to know a few things:

  1. Your purpose: the speed in which you go in life isn't as important as the direction you go. Focus on going in the right direction - for you and for your life. This may be a different direction than what your parents or others want you to go, but in living out YOUR purpose - focus on the right direction first.
  2. How to live it out: When you know your purpose, well, you don't necessarily need a career change as much as a mindset change in how you go about your life. Frequently I talk with people think if they know their purpose, they will need to leave their company, go start a company, or go start a non-profit. Your purpose elevates your life. Right where you are. Oftentimes, if anything, it solidifies you are in the right place in life, just do your job with a different framework.
  3. What you need to do in order to live it out better: Sometimes it might be spending time with family.
    Sometimes it might be saying "no" to opportunities.
    Sometimes it might mean getting a great night of sleep.
    Sometimes it might mean working on your boundaries.
    Sometimes it might mean spending time alone.


If you're serious about living a life worthy of the calling you received, create your 100 Year Manifesto.

And, as a subscriber to this newsletter (now with 1,000 subscribers) here's a discount code for $25 off.



Your 100 Year Manifesto

A bold statement for your life. Frame worthy. Your mission. Your core values. The causes you're passionate about. ... Read more

Catch me here...​

May 3rd
Purpose Driven Coffee

May 2024
100 Year Manifesto Academy Launch Parties!

Five ways to work together...

  1. The 100 Year Manifesto Academy for Companies
    Enables employees to perform at their best, we help team members define their purpose, create their 100 Year Manifesto, and then live it out every single day. Our innovative eLearning platform elevates your people. Purpose elevates people. People elevate profit.
  2. Speaking & Corporate Engagements: With speaking engagements in 2023 in The Philippines, Thailand, Mexico, and across the United States, and a corporate engagement package for any size company, help your leaders become more purpose-driven. Purpose Elevates People. People Elevate Profit. PURPOSE ELEVATES
  3. Create Your Own 100 Year Manifesto: Creating my own 100 Year Manifesto changed my life. Searching for purpose, greater clarity, and a healthier life, it starts with Creating Your Own 100 Year Manifesto.
  4. Align your brand with purpose-driven people by sponsoring this weekly newsletter with +1,000 active subscribers. Respond to directly to this email for additional information.
  5. The Purpose Driven Community (LAUNCHING Q3)

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This weekly newsletter by Mick White & his team at the 100 Year Manifesto is all about helping people step into their greatness. To be more intentional with your life. To be more deliberate with your business. To live a life that echos into eternity. That's what the 100 Year Manifesto is all about. That a life on purpose with purpose.


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