May 11, 2024

It all starts with you..

Each week I talk with Christopher. To call him my coach isn't quite accurate. Nor is mentor the right word. More than a cheerleader. Let's settle on - real friend.

While he's been instrumental in helping me launch the 100 Year Manifesto Academy, the friendship goes both ways. We talk every Wednesday at 8. And, this past week when I asked how he was doing, he said this, "I had a really good day with myself."

Slow down for a moment to take these words in.

I had a really good day with myself.

Initially, you might think of this in context of a day spent by yourself, but it's more than that.

Wherever you go, there you are.

Can you say everyday, "I had a really good day with myself"?

Whether or not you're around people, how you treat yourself - how you talk to yourself - how you care for yourself - matters.

If you're really looking to live out your purpose, you gotta be good to yourself. It's that simple.

The healthier you are - mind - body - spirit.

The healthier you are - personally.

The healthier you are - professionally.

The healthier you are - in relationships.

The healthier you are - with yourself.

Life gets better.

You live your purpose better when your are good to yourself.

It's that simple.

Here are five action steps to elevate your self-care:

  1. Prioritize Daily Reflection: Schedule time each day to reflect on your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Reflecting allows you to understand yourself better and make conscious choices aligned with your purpose.
  2. Establish Boundaries: Set boundaries to protect your time, energy, and well-being. Learn to say no to commitments or situations that drain you or don't align with your values.
  3. Cultivate Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same empathy and understanding you would offer to a friend. Remember that self-compassion is essential for resilience and self-acceptance.
  4. Nourish Your Body, Mind, and Spirit: Your body is a temple. Treat it that way. Honor yourself and your body.
  5. Seek Support and Connection: Building a supportive network of people who understand and uplift you is crucial for your well-being.

Remember, self-care isn't selfish. Self-care a necessary foundation for living a purposeful and intentional life. By taking care of yourself, you'll not only enhance your own well-being but also empower yourself to better serve others and live out your purpose.


Do you really want to elevate your purpose?

It is time to create your 100 Year Manifesto.

Here's a discount code for $25 off.



Your 100 Year Manifesto

A bold statement for your life. Frame worthy. Your mission. Your core values. The causes you're passionate about. ... Read more

Listen in on this podcast...

I had a great time on Jaime Taets' podcast "Superpower Success." If you want to know more of "the story" and why I do what I do, this is it. Might be my favorite podcast I've been on so far!

Do you know a podcast I should be on? I'd love an introduction to the host.

Catch me here...​

May 15, 2024
Best Lunch Ever
(for business owners)

June 7th
Purpose Driven Coffee

June 28th
Purpose Driven Coffee Morning Boat Cruise on Lake Minnetonka

SIX ways to work together...

  1. The 100 Year Manifesto Academy for Companies
    enables employees to perform at their best, we help team members define their purpose, create their 100 Year Manifesto, and then live it out every single day. Our innovative eLearning platform elevates your people. Purpose elevates people. People elevate profit.
  2. Bring PurposeDriven.Coffee to your community. If you love bringing people together, highlighting other purpose-driven leaders, and have the gifts of facilitating & convening, hosting a Purpose Driven Coffee in your community might help you live out YOUR purpose.
  3. Speaking & Corporate Engagements: With speaking engagements in 2023 in The Philippines, Thailand, Mexico, and across the United States, and a corporate engagement package for any size company, help your leaders become more purpose-driven. Purpose Elevates People. People Elevate Profit. PURPOSE ELEVATES
  4. Create Your Own 100 Year Manifesto: Creating my own 100 Year Manifesto changed my life. Searching for purpose, greater clarity, and a healthier life, it starts with Creating Your Own 100 Year Manifesto.
  5. Align your brand with purpose-driven people by sponsoring this weekly newsletter with +1,000 active subscribers. Respond to directly to this email for additional information.
  6. The Purpose Driven Community (LAUNCHING Q3)

Something on your mind?
Want to share some feedback?
Just hit "reply".
I respond to every email.


This weekly newsletter by Mick White & his team at the 100 Year Manifesto is all about helping people step into their greatness. To be more intentional with your life. To be more deliberate with your business. To live a life that echos into eternity. That's what the 100 Year Manifesto is all about. That a life on purpose with purpose.


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