April 29, 2024


The most complicated thing I ever did was try to be successful. Lots of plans. Strategies. Tactics. And, loads of action. Coffee meetings. Networking events. Go. Go. Go.

It nearly killed me.

And, in some areas of my life it absolutely ruined me.

My goals for my life I had adopted from other people. Trying to be like my mentors. Follow industry best practices. Reading books upon books upon books.

More coffee. More energy drinks. More caffeine.

In the pursuit of greatness.

I actually overcomplicated it.

"Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."
- Steve Jobs

What I really needed to do was to be more of me. To step into my greatness. The seeds of greatness were already within me. The seeds of greatness are already within you. Stir those seeds up. Step into your greatness. You already know what you should do. Trust yourself. Be yourself. Keep it simple.

During my first day in counseling with my marriage crumbling and a 10 month old son on my lap, my therapist asked me: "What's your goal in all of this?" I shared with him I wanted my wife to come home. He informed me that it couldn't be my goal because I didn't have any control over it.

He then suggested this goal: "To be the man, father, and husband that God created me to be."

That's what I have control over.

To be the best version of myself.

In business, the best strategy is to be 100% uniquely me. To follow my own best practices. To lean into my gifts. To show up as only I can show up.

Life gets simpler when all you're trying to do is be yourself.

All I'm trying to do is live my 100 Year Manifesto.

Here's the irony: the more I focus on living out my 100 Year Manifesto, the simpler my life becomes. How?


Every single day, I know my purpose. I know my goals. I know my core values & guiding principles. All I'm trying to do each day is make sure my words and actions align with my framework for living (my 100 Year Manifesto).

The 100 Year Manifesto is your filter. It's your compass. It's your purpose. It will simplify your life.

The complexity of getting your life on a single page, it might be the hardest thing you ever day. But, it's worth it.

The more clarity you have in life, the simpler your life becomes...in a really, really good way. There's peace. There's joy. There's rest. And, there's a whole lot of purpose.

If you're serious about living a life worthy of the calling you received, create your 100 Year Manifesto.

And, as a subscriber to this newsletter (now with over 1,000 subscribers) here's a discount code for $25 off.



Your 100 Year Manifesto

A bold statement for your life. Frame worthy. Your mission. Your core values. The causes you're passionate about. ... Read more

Catch me here...​

May 3rd
Purpose Driven Coffee

May 2024
100 Year Manifesto Academy Launch Parties(Online & In-Person)

May 15, 2024
Best Lunch Ever

Five ways to work together...

  1. The 100 Year Manifesto Academy for Companies
    Enables employees to perform at their best, we help team members define their purpose, create their 100 Year Manifesto, and then live it out every single day. Our innovative eLearning platform elevates your people. Purpose elevates people. People elevate profit.
  2. Speaking & Corporate Engagements: With speaking engagements in 2023 in The Philippines, Thailand, Mexico, and across the United States, and a corporate engagement package for any size company, help your leaders become more purpose-driven. Purpose Elevates People. People Elevate Profit. PURPOSE ELEVATES
  3. Create Your Own 100 Year Manifesto: Creating my own 100 Year Manifesto changed my life. Searching for purpose, greater clarity, and a healthier life, it starts with Creating Your Own 100 Year Manifesto.
  4. Align your brand with purpose-driven people by sponsoring this weekly newsletter with +1,000 active subscribers. Respond to directly to this email for additional information.
  5. The Purpose Driven Community (LAUNCHING Q3)

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Want to share some feedback?
Just hit "reply".
I respond to every email.


This weekly newsletter by Mick White & his team at the 100 Year Manifesto is all about helping people step into their greatness. To be more intentional with your life. To be more deliberate with your business. To live a life that echos into eternity. That's what the 100 Year Manifesto is all about. That a life on purpose with purpose.


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