July 21, 2024

Radical Generosity

Big moves - literally - going on around here.

Seven years ago, we were sleeping on the couches of our friends. Homeless for 9 months. We survived. Friends. Airbnbs. Family. Hotels. And yes, a few nights in the car.

This month we moved into our new three bedroom townhome and have a friend staying with us for the summer - no charge.

Technically she's the daughter of my brother-in-law's college roommate. Yes, prior to her moving in with us, we had never met.

She's in medical school and needed a place to stay during her residency in Minneapolis. Last month she crashed with us in our 2 bedroom apartment. She's become a part of our little family. Macallister LOVES her. He talks her ear off. And for me, I've always wondered what it would be like if I had kids earlier in my life. I get a little peak into what might have been.

Pay it back. Pay it forward. Pay it generously. Pay it frequently.

Pay it with radical generosity.

A lot of folks say they live by the Golden Rule, but do they?

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

What would you LOVE if people did for you? Like, wild dreams this would be amazing?

This isn't about holding the door for people or helping the proverbial old lady across the street. You don't get a gold star sticker for being a good human. But...

What about radical, mind-blowing generosity?

Would you LOVE it if someone did that for you?

When you know your purpose...

When you live out your purpose...

Radical generosity becomes the "norm."

I am where I am today because of radical generosity.

That's a fact.

Serious question I'd love to know your answer:

What would it look like if someone delivered radical, mind-blowing generosity towards you?

I want to know. Please reply via email to this newsletter.

Five Ways to Be Radically Generous

  1. Financial Assistance through Paying Bills or Scholarships: Cover someone's essential bills, rent, or unexpected expenses anonymously, through an organization like Be Blessed Foundation, or directly. Pay for someone's education to elevate them out of their current situation. Generational impact.
  2. Creating Opportunities through Employment and Networking: Provide job opportunities to individuals who might struggle to find work due to various barriers such as lack of experience, disabilities, or past mistakes. And, use your network to connect people with opportunities, be it jobs, partnerships, or other beneficial relationships.
  3. Host a You Are Special Dinner: When I was growing up, my Grammie had a red "You are Special Today" plate that was used for people's birthdays and special events. In honor of her and all the special people in my life, I created the "You Are Special" dinner. Invite people over for a heartfelt potluck family reunion-style dinner designed to celebrate each and every one of the attendees. This event is about more than just sharing meals; it’s about sharing our stories, wisdom, and experiences in a warm, welcoming atmosphere.
  4. Anonymous Acts of Radical Kindness: Be a Secret Santa year-round by leaving anonymous gifts or notes of encouragement for strangers in public places, like books with inspirational messages, prepaid coffee cards and meals, or find your own unique way of blessing people anonymously.
  5. Surprise Celebrations: Throw a Surprise Unbirthday Party for someone who might not often get celebrated. Whether for their birthday, a milestone, or just because you see them and how special they area. Don't wait for people's funerals to say nice things about them. Say it in public at an Surprise Unbirthday Party you organize for them.



From now until the end of July, the 100 Year Manifesto Academy is 50% off.

Regularly $599, it's $299.

And for companies, we have a special offer as well!!!

Spend 100 days with me and transform your life.



The 100 Year Manifesto Academy

Step into your greatness. With this hybrid eLearning platform, get the best of the teachings of the 100 Year Manifesto,... Read more

Catch me here...​

August 2nd
Purpose Driven Coffee

August 14th
Best Lunch Ever: Business Owner Exclusive

July & August
You Are Special dinners @ Micks

Every Tuesday at 4 p.m.
Tuesdays with Tony Sanneh @ Ava Minneapolis

September 15th
Out of the Darkness Walk (Join me!)
American Foundation fo Suicide Prevention


Behind the scenes, April does so much work for me each week. And, you can hire her too! She will change your life. From graphic design to Mailchimp and everything in between, April is a ROCKSTAR. We've worked together for over 4 years and she has made my life and my business so much better. I trust her completely to do the work, ask the questions, and learn what she needs to learn to get the project across the finish line. She's amazing. HIRE HER! She has availability for you. And, she's the best move you will make professionally. April is amazing! Reach out to me and I will connect with you. Or, here's her LinkedIn profile - tell her I sent you her way.

Something on your mind?
Want to share some feedback?
Just hit "reply".
I respond to every email.


This weekly newsletter by Mick White & his team at the 100 Year Manifesto is all about helping people step into their greatness. To be more intentional with your life. To be more deliberate with your business. To live a life that echos into eternity. That's what the 100 Year Manifesto is all about. That a life on purpose with purpose.


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