July 21, 2024

He lied to me...

As my 9 year old son and I are settling into our new place, a concerning behavior is presenting itself.

My son lied to me. On multiple occasions. While the details aren't important, this has thrown me into a bit of a funk.

I like to think I'm a pretty great dad. I'm intentional with my actions and with my words. I believe the life you live is the lesson you teach. And, I want Macallister to be a radically honest human.

One of my goals for my 100 Year Manifesto => Raising a healthy boy who loves himself, his God, and his family, who serves others, leads by example and does his best every day of his life.

Now, I didn't set out to be a single dad. I set out to be the best dad I could be...and that hasn't changed.

So, here we are in the middle of August with a 9 1/2 year old boy who is having difficulty telling the truth all the time...and a dad who is frustrated, angry, and concerned.

What I know is this: what I have control over are my words, my actions, my example, and my expectations.

At the end of the day, I don't have control over whether or not Macallister tells the truth. I hope and pray he does, but it's really his choice. We can have conversations and consequences, but it's his life, not mine. And that is difficult to work through sometimes.

What I do have control over is how much I learn about this from a parenting perspective. I posted this on Facebook: "Thoughts on what to do when a child lies to you..."

My friends truth bombed me with all sorts of wisdom, encouragement, and direction.

Three things I'm going to do to become a better dad:

  1. Read books of fatherhood & raising a healthy man.
  2. Be the best example I can be in a life well-lived.
  3. Continue to love Macallister unconditionally and offer grace, forgiveness, and boundaries.

These three apply wherever you're at in life.

What do you need to do to become better in your life?


From now until the end of August, the 100 Year Manifesto Academy is 50% off.

Regularly $599, it's $299.

And for companies, we have a special offer as well!!!

The next three that sign up, receive handmade coffee mugs for all participants.

Spend 100 days with me and transform your life.



The 100 Year Manifesto Academy

Step into your greatness. With this hybrid eLearning platform, get the best of the teachings of the 100 Year Manifesto,... Read more

Purpose Elevates (online keynote)

Earlier this week I had the privilege of speaking with an incredible team at Farm Bureau Financial Services. Truly a special time we shared together. On my way home from Des Moines I decided to share the message online on September 4th. Directly to you, wherever you are in the world. Hear how Purpose Elevates your life. There's some inspiration and motivation, but more importantly, I'll help you define your purpose, make two commitments that will change your life, and step into your greatness.

The Road Show Continues...

August 14th
Best Lunch Ever: Leaders of Fast Growth Companies

September 4th
Purpose Elevates (online keynote)

September 6th
Purpose Driven Coffee

September 12th
Purpose Driven Parenting

August & September
You Are Special dinners @ Micks

Every Tuesday at 4 p.m.
Tuesdays with Tony Sanneh @ Ava Minneapolis

September 15th
Out of the Darkness Walk (Join me!)
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

September 18th
Best Lunch Ever: Best People Ever

October 9th
Best Lunch Ever: HR Visionaries


Behind the scenes, April does so much work for me each week. And, you can hire her too! She will change your life. From graphic design to Mailchimp and everything in between, April is a ROCKSTAR. We've worked together for over 4 years and she has made my life and my business so much better. I trust her completely to do the work, ask the questions, and learn what she needs to learn to get the project across the finish line. She's amazing. HIRE HER! She has availability for you. And, she's the best move you will make professionally. April is amazing! Reach out to me and I will connect with you. Or, here's her LinkedIn profile - tell her I sent you her way.

Something on your mind?
Want to share some feedback?
Just hit "reply".
I respond to every email.


This weekly newsletter by Mick White & his team at the 100 Year Manifesto is all about helping people step into their greatness. To be more intentional with your life. To be more deliberate with your business. To live a life that echos into eternity. That's what the 100 Year Manifesto is all about. That a life on purpose with purpose.


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July 21, 2024 Radical Generosity Big moves - literally - going on around here. Seven years ago, we were sleeping on the couches of our friends. Homeless for 9 months. We survived. Friends. Airbnbs. Family. Hotels. And yes, a few nights in the car. This month we moved into our new three bedroom townhome and have a friend staying with us for the summer - no charge. My point-of-view as I work on this newsletter Technically she's the daughter of my brother-in-law's college roommate. Yes, prior to...